Sensors and Tranducers by D. Patranabi (IN) (PDF/EBook)

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 Title - Sensors and Tranducers (PDF/EBook

Author - D. Patranabi 

Description - "Sensors and Sensors" by D. Patranab provides a clear and detailed study of sensors and sensor principles essential to modern measurement systems. This text covers traditional sensors (electromechanical, thermal, magnetic, radiation, electroanalytical) as well as cutting-edge technologies (intelligent and intelligent sensors) and combines basic concepts with advanced applications in fields such as automotive, manufacturing, medicine and the environment.

The book is intended for engineering students in instrumentation, chemistry, mechanics and electricity, and applied sciences, and contains many schematic representations, examples and review questions. Patranab's simple approach ensures a thorough understanding of the fundamentals while developing the analytical skills needed to design and operate sensors..
