Title - Database System Concepts 6th Edition (Ebook/PDF)
Author - Abraham Silberschatz , Henry F. Korth, S. Sudarshan
Description - Database System Concepts, 6th Edition by Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth and S. Sudarshanis generally considered one of the cornerstone texts in database education. Basic and fundamental concepts are presented intuitively and are designed to help students get started with databases as quickly as possible.
The book begins with a basic introduction that covers basic topics such as database languages, database users and administrators, database design, and data storage and querying. The book is then divided into ten parts. Relational databases, system architecture, special databases and event management are some of them. Chapters such as object-relational mapping, importance classification using terms, and distributed data storage are covered in detail.
This edition also includes revised coverage of SQL, paying more attention to SQL variations in real systems and SQL functions. There is also new material on validating support vector machines and classifiers. The text of this book emphasizes applications, practical problems and implementation with thorough and clear coverage of theoretical concepts. Algorithms and concepts are presented in a general context, although not related to any particular database system, notes and variations on specific database systems are provided.
The only prerequisites for getting the most out of the book are knowledge of computer organization, basic data structures, and an advanced programming language. This database systems concepts 6th Edition was published by Tata McGraw-Hill Education in 2013 and is available in Paperback.